BC Housing - Licence Registry

Welcome to the searchable Public Registry of Licensed Residential Builders (including Building Envelope Renovators)
If you are looking for a particular builder, you can search by licence number, company name, or the name of the person(s) responsible for the company. To see all builders licensed in your area, enter your location and search for general contractors, developers, building envelope renovators or any.
Please note that most builders on the registry are in good standing. However, as of November 19, 2007, the registry also shows builders not in good standing. You can now check the current  Status  of each person on our registry.
Only builders in good standing are entitled to call themselves Licensed Residential Builders and to carry on the business of a residential builder in British Columbia.

* Licensed Residential Builders currently in good standing: 8,160

Search results:

Click on the company name for more details
1 licences found where the Licence Type is Builder and Company Name contains 'Embark Homes LTD'

Can’t find the builder you are looking for?
If you cannot find the builder you are looking for, please contact Licensing & Consumer Services at 604-646-7050, toll-free at 1-800-407-7757 or licensinginfo@bchousing.org for assistance.

IMPORTANT: Only builders with a general contractor licence type status are permitted to construct residential buildings under Part 9 of the BC Building Code. If you are looking to build a custom home, you must hire a licensed builder with a general contractor status. Builders licensed as developers must not take part in constructing Part 9 residential buildings unless they contract with a person who is licensed as a general contractor for the construction of the buildings. To learn more about the different licence types, please review Regulatory Bulletin 12.